5 simple steps to a More Sustainable Beauty Routine in 2022

In today’s world a ‘’New year – new you’’ usually (hopefully) means more conscious decisions and care for us and Nature.

Along with reducing your waste in general, here are some easy steps towards a more sustainable beauty routine:

  1. Buy arbū – we use custom dark-violet glass jars and bottles, specially designed to protect natural ingredients. We don’t use any form of plastic packaging – only FSC paper boxes that are 100% recyclable. To minimize paper consumption and reduce our impact, all our marketing materials are in digital, not physical, form.
  2. Try to buy Zero Waste products such as our lip balms. We have selected the purest organic ingredients that give amazing results! And best of all – no waste is left behind! Zero waste approach conserves natural resources and recycling keeps waste out of landfills and oceans.
  1. Cut down on single-use products such as makeup wipes. Use cleaners that require water only or use washable cotton wool pads or muslin cloths. 
  2. Keep empties as travel containers. We all know how difficult it is to fit your life into a suitcase because let’s confess, ladies- traveling light is almost impossible for us!
  3. Use empties as storage- you can always use jars and pots to store your makeup brushes, pencils, etc.

As Lao Tzu says : “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” . So start today and make a small step towards a more sustainable beauty routine!

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